HOMES Water Inc. provides full scale oxidation solutions for industrial and commerical applications. OzWAVES leverags oxidation, ozone (O3) and UV disinfection for the most complete, natural form of water treatment & disinfection that has been applied for over 100 years.
OzWAVES creates a practical and profitable solution for industrial, commercial water users who want the safest water at a small cost and compact footprint. With unlimited flowrate scalability and water application (process water, disinfection, water reuse, etc), low cost, low energy oxidation systems systems can treat be used to reduce costly chemical consumptions and reduce sewer discharges.
OzWAVES - The Basics
Ozone (O3) is produced when oxygen (O2) molecules are separated by an energy source (electricity) into oxygen atoms and subsequently collide with an oxygen molecule to form an unstable gas, ozone (O3), which can then be added to water and wastewater to disinfect it. Ozone is generated by imposing a high voltage alternating current across a dielectric discharge gap that contains an oxygen bearing gas. Ozone is generated onsite because it is unstable and decomposes to elemental oxygen in a short amount of time after generation.
For over 100 years, ozone has been known as the fastest, strongest and most natural disinfectant, providing treatment in over 5000 cities around the world. In addition, 95% of bottled water is treated by O3 and plays a critical role in the industrial water treatment sector. Ozone is 3000 times faster and 300 times stronger than chlorine, breaks down to oxygen, preserves healthy water minerals, and requires no additional consumables.
Ozone Water Treatment - Benefits, Uses & Applications
Ozone (O3) Water Treatment - The Power of 3
Have you heard of the Power of Three? Utilizing ozone as part of your industrial water treatment allows you to simultaneously benefit from 3 major water treatment processes.
In fact, there are 3 benefits (one for each oxygen molecule that makes up ozone) you achieve for the water you will be treating with O3, its a 3-to-1 advantage.
Ozone will destroy 99% of:
Applications & Uses for Ozone Water Treatment Systems
OzWAVES are use the power of ozone in a very practical design, for complete 3-in-1 treatment: disinfection (bacteria/virus/cysts), oxidation (iron, sulphur) and aesthetic (colour/tannin, taste, smell). Problematic contaminants of concern (pesticide, pharmaceuticals, hormones) are also no match for the all natural oxidizing power of ozone. Ozone water treatment can be used for any industrial process water or sewer discharges, water reuse, sanitization, commercial water, municipal and residential drinking water.
Drinking water for houses, condos, apartment buildings
Small systems for temporary applications (camps, etc)
Consider OzWAVES as part of your smart water management plans. Please contactHOMES Water Inc. we are always available to assist you.
Pilot systems are also available and ready to be deployed to any industrial sites and locations.
We can assist you with any questions you have on the limitations, system performance, integration with other innovative technologies we are promoting, as well as help you construct a cost benefit analysis to see why using Mother Natures water treatment makes sense, and how you can benefit from OzWAVES and the Power of Three.