The BOLT: a symbol of high voltage electricity, power,'juice'.
This is the lifeblood of our industrial activities, businesses, factories, offices, apartments, houses, hospitals, transportation, mining, energy production, etc. Water & power are one and the same; our activities cannot have one without the other. Clean, pure water is key to our sustainable future, power generation and modern livelihood. |
The FISH: a symbol of safe, clean and healthy water (and food source)
Fresh, clean, sanitary water is not only important in our natural water bodies, but also in our plumbing/piping, production facilities, factories, food & beverages, hospitals, medical centres, hotels, pools & spas, etc. The fish also reminds us to be more careful: produce less wastewater, limit & remove toxic and harmful chemical use. |
The LEAF: a symbol of fertility & growth, also trees, plants, vegetables, soil: food.
The importance that water plays in our food production, from agriculture/irrigation, food processing, packaging, transport, etc. is enormous. Smart water use, practices and water reuse is the future, we have to accept this as the new norm, today, globally. |